Lecture: Between Testimony and Bearing Witness – Sexual and Gender Based Violence and the EU Asylum Process – March 20, 2012 – 12:30 to 2:00pm
Posted March 13th, 2012 in Events

Streaming audio: The Eurozone Crisis: To what degree are E.U. institutions and power relations to blame?, March 21, 2012 – 12:30 to 2:00pm
Posted March 13th, 2012 in Events
Conference: Policy Formation in Post-Secondary Education, March 15-17, 2012
Posted March 9th, 2012 in Events
Paul Axelrod, a professor in York's Faculty of Education, will be convening an international conference entitled "Policy Formation in Post-Secondary Education: Issues and Prospects in Turbulent Times" on March 15-17, 2012 at the Novotel North York. Several of the papers to be presented here will deal with matters pertaining to education in the European Union including:
"The EU Innovation Strategy: Challenges for Higher Education in Europe" (Frans Van Vught and Harry Deboer, University of Twente) - 10:30 am - Saturday, March 17th
"The Bologna Process: A European Process Leading to Global Convergence" (Chuo-Chun Hsieh and Jeroen Huisman, University of ...
Lecture: Accomodating the Cyprus issue in the European Union’s political and legal order – March 7, 2012
Posted February 14th, 2012 in Events
Prof. Nikos Skoutaris (Assistant Professor, International and European Law, Maastricht University), a EUCE Visiting Scholar will deliver lecture entitled "Accomodating the Cyprus issue in the European Union's political and legal order" on Wednesday, March 7th from 12:30 to 2:00 pm in room 305 York Lanes (building #24 on the map found here).
Abstract: Despite the partial normalisation of the relations between the two ethno-religious segments on the island, Cyprus’ accession to the EU neither meant its reunification nor the restoration of the human rights or the complete lift of the political and economic isolation of the Turkish Cypriot ...
EU Affairs Seminar: Exploring the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement Between Canada and the E.U., February 29, 2012
Posted February 13th, 2012 in Events
As negotiations between Canada and the European Union for a comprehensive trade and economic agreement (CETA) enter what may well be a decisive phase, the European Union Centre of Excellence at York has partnered with the European Union Chamber of Commerce in Toronto (EUCOCIT) to organize a one-day seminar on CETA for Wednesday, February 29th (10am - 5pm) at the Ontario Investment & Trade Centre (250 Yonge St., 35th Floor).
This event will bring together key players in the negotiations, academics and representatives of a variety of stakeholder
groups including labour, agriculture and industry for a day of panel presentations ...
Graduate Student Conference: European Union: Instances of Cooperation and Discord/ Union Européenne: entre coopération et désaccord – March 2, 2012
Posted February 13th, 2012 in Events
On March 2nd, 2012, York University’s European Union Center of Excellence will be holding its third annual Graduate Student Conference at its Glendon Campus in Toronto, Ontario. This year’s theme will be “European Union: Instances of Cooperation and Discord/ Union Européenne: entre coopération et désaccord”. The purpose is to showcase graduate student work and promote debate on topics relating to the European Union.
This bilingual conference is organized by York graduate students and faculty and aims to include contributions from graduate students in various disciplines such as law, political science, public & international affairs, gender studies, economics, public administration, geography, ...
Lecture: Federalism: The European Union’s Uncommon Principle – March 6, 2012 – 12:30 to 2:00 pm
Posted February 13th, 2012 in Events
The European Union Centre of Excellence at York is pleased to present a lecture by Nikos Skoutaris (Assistant Professor, International and European Law, Maastricht University) entitled "Federalism: The European Union's Uncommon Principle". The talk will be held on Tuesday, March 6th, in Leith Room (004), Atkinson College (building #33 on the map found here) from 12:30 to 2:00 pm.
An abstract for this lecture is found here.
Nikos obtained his LL.B. from the University of Aberdeen, his LL.M. from Maastricht University and his Ph.D. from the European University Institute (Florence). He has worked at Amnesty International, the Council of the ...
Lecture: Europe’s Borders and Refugee Protection, Feb. 16, 2012
Posted February 12th, 2012 in Events
Stefan Kok of the Legal Commission of Ontario (formerly Senior Policy Officer, Dutch Council for Refugees) will speak at York's Keele campus on Thursday, February 16, 2012 from 12:30 to 2:00 in room 519 York Research Tower (building #95 on the map found here). Subject of his lecture will be "Europe's Borders and Refugee Protection".
Abstract: European border management raises many humanitarian and human rights concerns. In 2011, almost 2000 people died in the Mediterranean trying to reach Europe. Detention practices, asylum standards and return practices at the EU’s external borders have been widely criticized. Yet, ...
Streaming audio: The Uneven Progress of CSR Practices in Europe: A Window for Public Intervention? – February 8, 2012 – 12:30 to 2:00 pm
Posted January 26th, 2012 in Events

Conference: Transnational Private Regulatory Governance: Regimes, Dialogue, Constitutionalization – March 1, 2012
Posted January 26th, 2012 in Events
EUCE York Co-Director Prof. Peer Zumbansen is convening the international workshop "Transnational Private Regulatory Governance: Regimes, Dialogue, Constitutionalization" for March 1-2, 2012. This workshop is being presented under the auspices of the Comparative Research in Law & Political Economy Network based at York's Osgoode Hall Law School and will bring together scholars based in Canada, the United States and Europe and from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds.
At present, the workshop program is being finalized and will be posted once it is complete.