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European Union Centre of Excellence

Lecture: Europe’s Borders and Refugee Protection, Feb. 16, 2012

Stefan Kok of the Legal Commission of Ontario (formerly Senior Policy Officer, Dutch Council for Refugees) will speak at York’s Keele campus on Thursday, February 16, 2012 from 12:30 to 2:00 in room 519 York Research Tower (building #95 on the map found here). Subject of his lecture will be “Europe’s Borders and Refugee Protection”.

Abstract: European border management raises many humanitarian and human rights concerns.  In 2011, almost 2000 people died in the Mediterranean trying to reach Europe.  Detention practices, asylum standards and return practices at the EU’s external borders have been widely criticized.  Yet, the Dublin II-system, which allocates the responsibility for dealing with an asylum request to the states of entry (often the EU-states at the external land and sea borders), remains the basis for the Common European Asylum System.  Is there a ‘Fortress Europe’ and what are its effects on refugee protection in the EU?

This event is presented by York’s Centre for Refugee Studies, CERIS – The Ontario Metropolis Centre and the European Union Centre of Excellence at York.
All are welcome and refreshments will be served:
Date: Thursday, February 16th
Time: 12:30 to 2:00 pm
Location: 519 York Research Tower