Lecture: Prof. Marc Amstutz “Legal Reasoning in European Private Law”

Prof. Marc Amstutz
EUCE York is pleased to announce that Prof. Marc Amstutz (Professor of Business Law and Legal Theory, LL.M (Harv.), University of Fribourg, Switzerland) will deliver the first lecture in the Centre’s new lecture series “EUCE Lectures in EU Law and Governance” on Wednesday, September 15th from 12:30-2:00 pm in 519 York Research Tower. Prof. Amstutz’ lecture will be entitled “Legal Reasoning in European Private Law: The Interlegality Conundrum in a Multilevel Governance Private Law System and the New Developments in the Marleasing-Doctrine of the European Court of Justice”.
This lecture series aims at furthering interest in European Union Governance and Policy Making. The lectures cover a wide range of topical areas and are delivered by world-renowned scholars and practitioners.
Attendance is free and open to the public.
To register for any of the lectures, please email euce@yorku.ca
Date: Wednesday, September 15th
Time: 12:30-2:00 pm
Location: 519 York Research Tower (building #95 on the map found here)